Teaching School Hub. Prior to this Teaching School Hub position, Amanda has been a Headteacher and Executive Headteacher of two primary academies in Lincolnshire.
The DfE accredited Teaching School Hub is designated to offer the ‘Golden Thread’ of professional development across Lincolnshire and beyond, providing the highest quality CPD for teachers and support staff at every stage of their career.
Collaborating with a range of partners and specialists across the region of 365 schools, Amanda ensures that all expertise are well coordinated, coherent and sourced for every strand of professional development.
Amanda is equally responsible for leading both an English and Behaviour Hub, designated nationally by the DfE. As an accredited delivery partner for NPQs, Amanda also has extensive experience of delivering leadership qualifications and training in a range of contexts.
Finally Amanda contributes strategically across the region and is a member of the Strategic Education Improvement Board for Nottingham, The University of Nottingham, The East Midlands Maths Hub and NASEN.