Her career progression later led her into a Deputy Headteacher role in 2013. She has loved this role as a deputy head teacher of a spectacular school and working alongside such a great leadership team.
She has experienced many things being part of such a great leadership team, and worked on many roles within the school. She was involved in the process of a new build in 2015/2016 and supporting staff into the transition into the new build.
Throughout her career, Umrana has always insisted on having the highest expectations of herself, staff and the children.
She believes that children have infinite number of possibilities and through developing a culture of the highest expectations, they can achieve their dreams. In 2018 the school joined the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust and she feels that this has been integral to the support they have achieved over the last few years in getting the school to where it is now.
She was very proud to be part of the school’s Good Ofsted in 2015 and 2022 and being part of a fantastic working team at Forest Lodge Academy. She is currently involved in completing her NPQH in 2023. She is looking forward to the exciting opportunities ahead.